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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost to parents associated with their child receiving a laptop?
There is a required annual $20 technology usage fee. A laptop cover and a Brenthaven bookbag will be provided free of charge to each student grades 3-12. (THIS FEE IS REINSTATED FOR THE 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR)

Can any family member use the laptop?
Each student will be assigned an individual username and password. Parents are encouraged to access their child's account and monitor their child's usage and progress.

Will students keep the laptops over summer break?
Yes, students will keep their laptops year-round. Students who are withdrawing from MGSD are asked to return their equipment to the school they last attended as quickly as possible.

What training is available for parents who are unfamiliar with the laptop? 
A mandatory overview training is required at the beginning of each year for parents and students. This training video is in PowerSchool Registration, which all parents fill out at the beginning of the year.  Parent training is offered throughout the year at the school level. In addition, offers many online tutorials.  Other resources online have great tutorials as well.

Will parents need to purchase additional items for the laptop?
Not necessarily, but it is recommended that students have the means to back up documents for future use (i.e. A thumb drive).

What if the laptop stops working at home (after school hours)?
MGSD students will need to submit a Technology Workorder. This can be done from any online device. You can find the link to the ticket system in Classlink.

What will be the consequences for misuse or inappropriate use of the laptop?
Details are provided in our Responsible Use Policy (RUP) and the MGSD Code of Conduct.

Will students carry fewer textbooks once they have laptops?
Yes.  Teachers will increasingly begin to use digital content for instruction and assignments.  This will be a transition over time. 

What filter(s) are in place to protect students from visiting harmful websites?
MGSD laptops utilize the State of NC’s cloud-based filter, zScaler which is updated daily; however, the most important filter is parental supervision. Parents are offered training on internet safety and are shown how to check a student’s history on the laptop.

How much does it cost MGSD for the Digital Conversion?
MGSD uses a variety of funding sources to be able to implement the Digital Conversion. Initial start-up costs revolve around network infrastructure, staff development, and planning.  On-going costs are built into the operational budget.  MGSD leases student and teacher laptops (a 4-year lease) at an approximate cost of $1M per year.  MGSD also purchases a variety of Digital Resources which cost approximately $40 per student per year.

How much Bandwidth does MGSD have?
MGSD has 10GB Fiber connections to each school from the Technology Department and a 2GB pipe to the Internet.  On an average day with 5000+ machines online, bandwidth capacity is 1GB.

A student raising her hand in class.