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Enrolling in MGSD


We know your child's education is very important to you.  It is very important to us, also.  Whether deciding on a school for your child or attempting to navigate the enrollment process, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions and answers to help you in your research. Of course, if you do not find the answer you are looking for, please call our Central Office at (704) 658-2530.

  • We want to help make your move as smooth as possible.  When enrolling your child in our school system, you will need to take the following information/documents to the school your child will be attending:

    1. Proof of Residency - Families must reside in the Mooresville Graded School District for their children to attend our schools.  When enrolling your child, please bring two (2) proof of residency documents with you to the school.

      TWO of the following documents are required to meet the MGSD Residency Requirements

      (at least one document must be a primary proof)

      Primary Proof:

      • Utility Bill dated within the past 60 days or an approved Confirmation of Utility Service/Work Order as long as it lists the service & billing address; (water, sewer, electric, gas, cable/internet, garbage, or land-line phone);
      • Current Lease Agreement for the home or apartment. (Lease Agreement’s signature page is required); An MGSD Affidavit of Residence (with residence owner’s current utility bill).

      The following documents will not be accepted:  Cell phone bills, Medicare/Medicaid documentation, or expired documentation, including but not limited to late bill notices, termination of services, etc.

      Secondary Proof:

      • Deed, Mortgage Payment Statement dated within the past 60 days, or Property Tax Bill dated within the last year;
      • Driver’s License (Or approved official photo ID);
      • W-2 form dated within the year or a Payroll Stub dated within the past 60 days; 
      • Bank or Credit Card Statement dated within the past 60 days.
      • Current Automobile or Homeowners Insurance policy declaration page.
    2. Immunization Record - You must bring your child’s current immunization record at time of enrollment.
    3. Social Security Number - You will need to know your child’s Social Security number in order to enroll him/her.
    4. Certified Birth Certificate - For all newly enrolling Kindergarten students, you must present a certified birth certificate upon enrollment.  For students who have been previously enrolled in school, a copy will suffice.
    5. Previous School Information - Please bring contact information, including fax number, of the school you are transferring from so that MGSD can request your child’s records.

    If you have any questions regarding enrolling your child in Mooresville Graded School District, please do not hesitate to call our district offices at (704) 658-2530.  To review Mooresville Graded School District's Domicile or Residence Requirements, please visit the MGSD Central Office and ask to see Policy Code 4120 of the MGSD Board of Education Policy Manual or access it by clicking the blue box below.

    MGSD Board Policy Manual

  • According to North Carolina General Statute, students must be at least five years old and less than twenty-two years old on or before August 31 of the year of enrollment.

  • Please direct attendance boundary questions to the MGSD Central Office at (704) 658-2530.  To learn which school your child is zoned for within MGSD, please visit our school zoning page on our website:  MGSD School Zoning Information.


  • Unfortunately, you must reside in in MGSD for your child to attend our schools.  There are three potential exceptions to this rule that may be approved by the MGSD Central Office:

    1. You are an employee of MGSD, pay the appropriate tuition, and provide transportation for your child to and from school.
    2. You are living outside the district but in the process of building a new home within MGSD.  You must present a signed contract and a statement from the builder that construction on the house is underway and will be ready to occupy within six (6) months from the date school begins or date of enrollment if the student enrolls within the school year.  A yearly tuition of $1,450.00 per family, prorated monthly for up to, but not exceeding, six (6) months will apply.  You also will be responsible for transportation to and from school for your child.
    3. You live outside the district but have signed a rental/lease or purchase contract for an existing home within MGSD.  You must present a written lease or accepted (no contingencies) contract of purchase with the date of closing, confirming that the you will be occupying the premises within three (3) months from the date of enrollment.  A yearly tuition of $1,450.00 per family, prorated monthly for up to, but not exceeding, three (3) months will apply. You also will be responsible for transportation to and from school for your child.
  • A "certified" copy has a raised seal and must be obtained through the city and/or county of your child's birth.