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Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

A magnifying glass focuses on the word 'policy' in a dictionary.

The Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education and staff are committed to maintaining a safe and orderly climate in our schools and at all school activities. We update our Student Code of Conduct (Codigo de Conducta Estudeantil) each year to ensure fair and effective discipline. This booklet includes our expectations for proper conduct as well as detailed consequences for inappropriate behavior.  Please pay special attention to our policies regarding safe and acceptable use of technology.

Discipline, to be truly effective, must be a joint effort between the home and the school. Please take time to read the Student Code of Conduct manual carefully, sign the verification sheet on the last page, and return the sheet to the proper individual at your school.

We ask your support for your child to follow all rules and regulations identified. Proper behavior is directly related to a positive learning environment as well as academic achievement for students. If you have any questions about any of the content, please contact your child’s principal. Let’s work together for all of our children!